Legal News & Information

May 21, 2018
Robbery and Child Custody Case Resolved in Colorado Springs

Good afternoon, everyone. This is Douglas Cohen here from Peak Legal Services, LLC. I’m down in Colorado Springs on a beautiful, sunny day. I’m happy to report that I had two cases here: one civil dependency and neglect case and one very serious felony robbery case. Both cases had incredibly good results. In the robbery…

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October 28, 2017
Denver Traffic Charge Reduced

Good morning, everyone. This is Douglas Cohen here from Peak Legal Services, LLC: criminal defense and family law. I haven’t done a video from on top of the parking garage across from the Denver Courthouse in a while, so I’m going to do a shoutout to you guys today. Our law firm handles some very…

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March 17, 2017
Adams County Juvenile Sex Offense Hearing Win

Good afternoon everyone. Douglas Cohen with Peak Legal Services LLC. It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these videos. I’ve been so busy helping clients out with their cases that I just kind of fell off the video trail. I’m happy to report today that I went to preliminary hearing on a…

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