Longmont DUI and Denver felony sex assault update

Longmont DUI and Denver felony sex assault update

Good afternoon, everyone. Douglas Cohen here from Peak Legal Services LLC again.

Today is Thursday, September 5th and I am outside of Longmont. I was just at the Longmont Courthouse to help a lovely client with a DUI case. She made a big mistake drinking at a wedding and had a very high BAC. But we were able to convince the Court to give her a reduced charge with just a year’s probation and no jail, so it worked out really well for her.

I was also in Denver today on a very serious felony sex assault charge from about 15 years ago. I’m looking forward to helping my client out on that case as well.

If you need help in criminal defense or family law, you can find us at www.PeakLegalLLC.com or call us at (720) 445-9779.

Have a great day!

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