Good afternoon, everyone. Doug Cohen here with Peak Legal Services, LLC.
First, I wanted to give a shout out to my daughter who made me this wonderful mask. A Denver Nuggets mask! Go Nuggets!
I haven’t made a video in a while due to COVID, but courts are slowly opening up. I was down in Douglas County this morning helping a great client work out a felony matter. He’s going to get a deferred judgment and sentence. Things are going along great. We’re meeting with probation today, so I’m really excited to work on that with him and get it wrapped up over the summer.
We’ve been very busy here at Peak Legal with criminal defense and family law matters. COVID hasn’t really slowed things down for us. Clients still need our help and we are out here happy to help them. We’re doing a lot of video conferences with the court but also getting a lot done and going to more in-person court hearings lately, practicing safe social distancing and wearing a mask.
On that note, I was in court today in Douglas County and probation all had masks, my client and I had masks, everyone was complying with restrictions and taking care of each other. Shout out to the deputies, bailiffs, and probation there.
And then I walked into a Loaf ‘n’ Jug, and the guy behind the Subway counter didn’t have a mask, the person behind the Loaf ‘n’ Jug counter didn’t have a mask, all the patrons did not have masks except one other gentleman.
Hey folks, it’s not a political thing really. It’s a safety and health thing. Whether you’re liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, young or old, we’re here to help each other be safe and well and get through this as a team.
Please wear a mask. Have a great day!
For help with criminal defense or family law, give us a call in Colorado at (720) 445-9779 and in Wyoming at (307) 274-4750.