Hello, everyone. This is Douglas Cohen again from Peak Legal Services, LLC.
Just giving you a Friday update as the sun begins to set to the west outside of our Southern Denver metro area office.
So, to give a run-down of the types of cases we handle and the ones we have done this week, we’ve handled a family law mediation case. My partner did that one in Jefferson County.
I handled a juvenile case as well up there: a dependency and neglect case. And then I was working on a sexual assault case out of Denver that’s just underway.
And then we had another domestic relations/family law case in Douglas County as well as a DUI case I handled in Douglas County.
I had another DUI case up in Summit/Breckenridge where the ski resort is.
And then, finally, another family law case out of JeffCo and a misdemeanor assault case, a fight case, that is being set for trial.
So we handle all these types of cases. We specialize in sex offenses and DUI cases in the criminal arena, as well as high-level felonies. My partner handles a lot of family law and mediation cases.
If you need help in either one of these areas, please call us at (720) 445-9779 and look us up on the web at PeakLegalLLC.com.
We also continue to work on expanding our practice into Cheyenne, Wyoming!