When cases like the Jeffrey Epstein sex crimes case are in the news, my job as a defense attorney becomes more important than ever.
I used to be a prosecutor in SVU (sex crimes and sex abuse units). I now defend people charged with those and other crimes.
Every person charged with a crime in our country has the right to the presumption of innocence.
Call Peak Legal Services now at (720) 445-9779 to consult on your case.
A tidal wave of emotion over egregious cases like that of Jeffrey Epstein, which often capture the headlines, should not wash away that presumption.
I had a case today where my client — based on extensive investigation we presented to the prosecution, had his sex crime charges reduced and the “sex offense” tag removed, because what he did turned out not to be a sex crime at all. Kudos to the prosecutor for listening to our defense.
The judge presiding over the plea today mentioned the Jeffrey Epstein case and initially questioned the plea. But he took the time to hear me out and, in the end, understood and accepted the agreement we had reached with the prosecution.
I am proud to safeguard the rights of my clients — including my clients charged with sex offenses. Everyone charged with a crime, under our common law and the state and federal Constitution, stands before the court as an innocent accused — unless and until the government proves his/her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
In Colorado sex crime and sex abuse cases, this is especially critical. That’s because many sex offenses upon conviction carry possible lifetime prison sentencing and lifetime sex offender registration.
Call Peak Legal Services now at (720) 445-9779 for a free consultation.
My partner, Todd, and I are here to safeguard your rights in sex crimes and sex abuse cases.
We are here to listen and help you.