Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Doug Cohen from Peak Legal Services, LLC.
I know it’s early in the morning and I know you’re used to seeing me in a suit and tie posting from outside a courthouse, but I wanted to talk about these two cases and I needed to sleep on them. I’ve slept on them now and here we go.
The main thing I want to say about the two cases I handled yesterday is they really fed into an overarching theme that I learned from my mentors when I was a DA and from defense attorneys and judges about doing justice and doing it the right way. And that is a very important thing to do when you are part of the justice system on either side or when you are a judge.
Yesterday, a county court judge dismissed a 14 year old case that the prosecution was really pushing the envelope on. My client had already been put through the wringer on it and kudos to the judge for doing the right thing.
And in our municipal case, we appealed a jail sentence on a very, very minor aesthetic home maintenance violation. My client feels that it was cruel and unusual punishment, and we agree. We got the stay of execution and hopefully our client will at least will be able to stay out of jail for now and hopefully will never have to go to jail on that charge.
Again, if you’re part of or in the system, keep in mind that we should all be doing the justice and doing it the right way.
If you need any legal help with criminal defense or family law matters, call us now at (720) 445-9779.
Have a good day and have a good weekend!